Blog 2


    As society has evolved throughout the centuries, countless advances in environmental, infrastructure, and social aspects have helped to improve the quality of life of millions of people around the world. While the standard of living has been enhanced for many, challenges still exist that threaten basic human rights and the future of our planet. 

    From an environmental standpoint, progress has come with a heavy price to bear. While industrialization has made daily life much easier, it has also adversely impacted our planet by poisoning our waterways, land and air. For example, fuel combination and the release of harmful gases into our atmosphere has polluted the air we breathe. Air pollution, as such, causes lung and bronchial diseases, and is also responsible for incidences of lung cancer and asthma. 

    Pollution has also brought about other dire consequences, including global warming that has caused climate change. Burning fossil fuels send greenhouse gases into the earth's atmosphere. This, in turn, has resulted in the earth's temperature to rise. The harmful effects of global warming are evidenced by extreme weather events ranging from stronger hurricanes, massive snowstorms, and life-threatening drought. Polar ice caps in the Antarctic are melting at an alarming rate and sea- levels are rising. This increase in the oceans' water levels threatens to submerge land, damaging homes and habitats and destroying plant, animal, and human life.

    In an effort to reduce the harmful effects of climate change, countries throughout the world are making a concerted effort to reduce carbon emissions. New vehicles are being produced with energy efficiency and renewable energy in mind. Electric cars, for instance, are diminishing the reliance on fuel. When feasible, individuals are encouraged to do their part for the environment by choosing to walk or ride a bicycle instead of using a vehicle. If driving is absolutely necessary, people are encouraged to organize their errands into one trip and choose direct routes to limit the length of their travel.

    Engineering efforts are also in place to reduce global warming through the process of green infrastructure. By creating green spaces in cities, engineers aim to reduce flooding while enhancing overall air quality.  

    Nations are also responding to the threats of climate change by joining forces to combat global warming. Climate changes finances and other resources are being devoted to environmental programs aimed to reduce pollution. For example, the United States supports "green" programs that encourage initiatives to reduce energy consumption. As such, the federal government grants incentives who make energy-efficient renovations to their homes. Installing solar panels or energy-efficient windows will result in a tax break.

    Another issue facing our world is the challenge of infrastructure. A nation's infrastructure is defined as the sytems of public works that support cities. Examples of systems. These systems create the infrastructure that provides essential services to rural and urban communities throughout the world. When these systems break down or are not properly maintained, the quality of life of citizens is negatively impacted. As such, countries make a concerted effort to protect and improve their infrastructure through federal and public funds.

    Infrastructure serves to ensure that drinking water is safe and free from parasites that can be hazardous to one's health by keeping wastewater and drinking water separate through the use of pipes. In the United States, for instance, more than a million miles of pipes provide drinking water to homes from coast to coast. Over 800,000 miles of sewer pipes separately transport waste.

    Road infrastructure is another important element for nations to consider. Roads connect rural and urban areas, promoting trade and ensuring access to social services. The inability to access areas, promoting trade and ensuring access to social services. The inability to access area due to poor roads greatly impacts one's quality of life. For example, individuals may not be able to reach hospitals for life-saving treatment if they are unable to travel. As a result, countries such as the United States are concentrating on repairing and rebuilding roads and bridges, with emphasis on safety and resilience. The U.S. Congress recently passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law dedicating millions of dollars to rebuild our country's roads, rails, and bridges, among other goals. This will help to enhance the safety of roads and improve transportation options for our citizens.

    While climate change and infrastructure concerns are of great importance to our planet, so too is the topic of gender inequality . In essence, gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender. It stems from social and cultural norms that give preference to men over women. These stereotypical norms regard males as the strong and dominant gender while women are perceived as having a more subordinate role in society.

    Gender inequality has existed throughout the centuries, at it is still present in most countries around the world. It prevails in social, political, and economic systems, where men continue to enjoy preferential treatment while women are often deprived the personal, professional, and financial opportunities enjoyed by their male counterparts. For instance, women earn less money than their male colleagues for performing the same jobs. Women are also underrepresented in leadership roles and corporate, supervisory, and governmental positions.

    In many nations around the world, women also have limited access to education. They are forced to marry young and depend on their husbands to financially support them. This dependence on males leads countless women to remain in unhappy marriages and suffer from abusive relationships.

    Societal mindsets are much to blame for gender inequality. As such, efforts are being made throughout the world to change the perspective of women and their roles in society. While its true that women serve an invaluable purpose as caretakers, they are also capable of leading major corporations and nations. In the U.S., feminism efforts have resulted in women attaining suffrage and reproductive rights. Furthermore, feminism has battled sexual harassment in the workspace and at home. Initiatives such as the Me Too movement have brought into focus the need for equal treatment of women and condemned sexual abuse and harassment.



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