Keyla Cabrera Blog #2

 Blog Post #2 (Climate Change, Gender Inequality, & Infrastructure)

    Through this blog post, I will discuss the topics that were previously presented. To begin with, Group 3 presented and informed us about Climate Change. This is an extremely important subject since it's something frightening for this and future generations. Climate Change is frequently talked about, but no actions are taken. Many individuals like myself try to protect the environment by cleaning up and not littering. I really try to encourage it, but some individuals don't care as much because they have the mentality of: when the consequences of humanity's actions take effect  they won't be here to see it. I don't like to think this way because, yes, maybe this generation doesn't see it, but my kids and future generations will. For example: global warming, which consists of the increase in temperature of the Earth's atmosphere caused by the increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Some of the main causes of global warming are: the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, tree-clearing, agriculture and farming. 

    Additionally, we are trying to make changes to more eco-friendly options. Some of the biggest automobile companies are switching to electric vehicles and it's not only consumers that are making that switch to electric to help with global warming; the largest and most profitable car brands in the world are all making vows to switch to all-electric by 2030, including, but not limited to: Bentley, Rolls Royce, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW. All of these are also aiming to be fully hybrid or EV by 2025, having no more 8, 10, or 12 cylinder engines by the time their whole fleet is hybridized and eventually fully EV. This change can be a big issue for some since it's something so innovative and different to what we are accustomed to. This idea can also benefit our finances since charging an electric car is must cheaper than pumping gas, especially with the inflation that we are currently experiencing. It's very important for people to get educated and know the pros and cons of such changes.  

    Now, I would like to move on to the other topic which was Gender Inequality. This topic is very important to me since I can relate so much. I've always been very curious as to why there's so much inequality among sexes when we are all humans capable of doing the same activities. One thing I don't comprehend is why are we paid less than men for the same labor. I find this insulting and humiliating because why do I have the same educational level as my coworker, yet I'm seen as less capable. A study showed how in "2020 women's annual earnings were 82.3% of men's" and there's even a bigger difference for many women of color. I am not a woman of color, but I am Hispanic which for many years we have experienced discrimination in schools and workplaces. So many factors other than an individual's educational level influence their income like their birthplace or nationality. 

    Also, I would like to mention how women are seen as the weak gender and are classified as emotional and sentimental. There's so many stereotypes and even though decades pass, and people are more open-minded, there's still humiliation. Women are seen as dependent of a man and if they don't have a male figure supporting them, they will struggle more. Males are seen as the "providers" of the families and women are seen as the extras that can't handle the stress of labor-intensive jobs. Men are raised with the toxic idea that they can't cry and must be "tough". While women are raised to be good wives who must be prepared to cook meals for when her husband gets home and take care of the children. I have personally seen how some women have had to raise their kids on their own and work to provide them with a safe home and necessities. I know a woman who had to work in construction to feed her 6-year-old son. A job mainly dominated by men, but she had to do it because it was the only opportunity that she had. She was made fun of by her male coworkers, but she still did it and worked as much as she possibly could. Today, some macho men feel threatened by the idea of their significant other making more income than them. Why? I feel that the answer to this and other questions is be the mentality of being raised to be the dominant in the relationship. 


    Not only do men want to decide over women's income, but over their bodies too. There's much commotion on the idea of abolishing abortion. As a woman, I believe that a women should be able to decide over her body. It's very frustrating to think about the idea of someone taking that right away from me and deciding over my body and my future. I understand that there's different circumstances, but this gives another reason to why a woman should decide. I believe that everyone knows what is best for themselves and their situations. No one should have the power to choose over someone else's body, especially a politician which are mainly men. There’re so many opinions on abortions and birth control methods, yet not many people talk about how society should stop forcing everything on women because nobody talks about men receiving vasectomies and how this should be more common. I agree with and support the "MY BODY, MY CHOICE!". 

    The final presentation was made by Group 1; their topic was infrastructure. To give a better understanding, infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities. Some examples are: transportation systems, sewage, water, and electric systems. It's basically everything that surrounds us and gives us the ability to go places like school and workplace. We always travel through bridges as well as stay at hotels and we believe that we are safe; we don't even think of it falling. This is not common, but it can happen. One of the most recent incidents that occurred was the falling of a building in the region of Surfside. This was a tragedy that no one expected and that so many innocent people paid the consequences for the oversight of the rich minority that was supposed to take care of the building's upkeep. When I first heard about it from the local news I was in shock because I have seen buildings collapse due to earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. But never a building just falling in the middle of the night. I never expected for this to happen in America, a first-world country, such a powerful and leading country. It was unbelievable because we have such advancements and improvements in technology that these kinds of events can be prevented. It's inconceivable how engineers had confirmed "structural damage" in the Surfside building and that the city didn't evacuate the tenants. The only reasoning I can find behind all these incidents are money and selfishness. Unbelievable. 

    As person born and raised in a third-world country, I knew and understood infrastructure because back in my homeland, Cuba, buildings were built in the 50s and never again inspected let alone remodeled. Cuba is a country ruled by a dictatorship; individuals who just care about themselves and just think about the profits they can make from each person in the island. It's normal for a person to live in a place where there's walls missing and broken bathtubs. Humans shouldn't be living under these conditions. It's extremely dangerous and the tenants know but they don't have the money nor the resources to fix it and make a change. In summary, all the topics discussed are very important and I believe that change is needed and immediately. Not only are these topics significant, but others are too. Till' next time! 



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