Jose Manuel Gonzalez

Blog Post #2 

Climate Change

Overwhelming evidence shows that climate is changing worldwide. Extreme events highlight the world is experiencing today are due to changes in weather and temperature patterns. Although modifications can occur in nature, burning fossil fuels is unnaturally fueling warming. The burning of coal, gas, and oil generates greenhouse gases that act as a blanket that traps the sun’s heat and raises temperatures. Carbon dioxide and methane gases are the primary emissions that cause climate change. The continued emission of these gases means that the world will continue to experience global warming until all the necessary participants take action to reduce it.

Climate change has many consequences in the world. They include intense droughts, rising sea levels, water scarcity, declining biodiversity, severe fires, catastrophic storms, melting polar ice, and flooding. Climate change also affects human health, safety and work, housing, and the ability to grow food. People living in small islands have to relocate as the sea level rises. Scientists and governments worldwide agree to limit global temperatures to not more than 1.5°C. The limitation will help people live in reasonable conditions and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Figure 1:  Climate change effects

Climate change disrupts development. The G20 nations are responsible for a lot of the historical carbon emissions and have a greater responsibility to the world today to reduce new emissions. Carbon emissions in the developing world are the lowest but bear the greatest climate impact. Failure to act will make it impossible for the poor to secure their livelihoods. Governments, businesses, and other non-state actors must follow the Paris Agreement to prevent average global warming from rising to above 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. One way of achieving this objective is by transitioning 100% to renewable energy, among other measures. The transition should be just and equitable, including supporting poor households to access it.

Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality refers to the discrimination of a person based on their gender. It includes giving one sex more privilege over another, which is a human rights violation. The disparity starts when children are young and may continue for the rest of a person’s life. The behavior limits the potential of a person. In most regions of the world, the problem disproportionately affects girls. However, all people are born equal and deserve equal opportunities to thrive as human beings. Men and women, girls and boys, have similar responsibilities, rights, and opportunities.

Figure 1: gender inequality in pictures

          The struggle for gender equality is a human rights issue that must be addressed. It is a basic human right with the potential to transform our world for the better. It is about ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to reach their fullest potential, regardless of their gender. Gender equality prevents violence against girls and women and promotes equal access to opportunities. Societies that give equal opportunities to boys and girls are healthier and safe. Such communities enjoy the contribution of the whole society in economic development. Under such circumstances, men and women benefit from more people's productivity. Eradicating gender inequality means that men and women can pursue their futures together without feeling left out. It means that they will get equal opportunities, protections, and resources.

Gender inequality causes violence against women, and its eradication will create a safe society for women and girls. The first issue that humanity must address is men’s control over decision-making processes in the family that give them power over women. The behavior limits the independence of women and their ability to contribute to the well-being of society. Secondly, gender stereotypes and roles make it difficult for girls and women to thrive in some areas. Eliminating will guarantee women access to all opportunities before deciding the careers to follow. Finally, male relationships are aggressive and perpetuate disrespect towards women. Therefore, the best way to prevent gender inequality is to eliminate the stereotypes and gender roles society gives to men and women and gives girls and women equal access to opportunities and resources.

Importance of Infrastructure in the World

Infrastructure refers to public works in a nation, such as roads, railways, and ports responsible for driving development forward. They also include communication networks, electric, water, and sewerage systems that help a country develop. In most cases, the government funds these projects with the help of the private sector. Investments in broadband networks, energy projects and pipelines, and freight push an economy to thrive. Infrastructure is one of the main drivers of the economic development of a country. It facilitates trade, connects workers to their jobs, powers businesses, and creates opportunities for local communities.

Infrastructure development is critical in generating employment. Every year, governments and the private sector build and maintain roads, requiring workers for jobs. The jobs attract all workers since there are few or no entry barriers. The industry will grow as the population rises and people demand quality services from their government. Infrastructure development is crucial to all national goals, since it is the key to achieving them. An economy needs reliable transportation systems and communication networks to function. The public sector has a big role to play in infrastructure development. The government can create an supporting environment for the private sector to invest in infrastructure. It should also provide basic services, such as water and sanitation, to its citizens.

Every nation has varying infrastructural needs in all sectors of the economy. Countries are still building roads and railways in the developing world, while the developed world is maintaining its infrastructure for food future. In other locations, energy surges turn over established infrastructures, necessitating policy reform. New trucks, pipelines, and rail networks are required to transport natural gases. Solar panels are also shaking the electric utility businesses. The electric firms try to produce clean energy as society pushes them in that direction. High-profile disasters, such as hurricanes, are drawing the public's attention to water infrastructure challenges. The catastrophes force the infrastructure designers to rethink plans capable of surviving high stress.

Figure 1: African Development Bank Sample road infrastructure

Figure 2: World Economic Forum demonstration of closing infrastructural gaps



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