
Keyla Cabrera Blog #2

 Blog Post #2 (Climate Change, Gender Inequality, & Infrastructure)      Through this blog post, I will discuss the topics that were previously presented. To begin with, Group 3 presented and informed us about Climate Change. This is an extremely important subject since it's something frightening for this and future generations. Climate Change is frequently talked about, but no actions are taken. Many individuals like myself try to protect the environment by cleaning up and not littering. I really try to encourage it, but some individuals don't care as much because they have the mentality of: when the consequences of humanity's actions  take effect   they won't be here to see it. I don't like to think this way because, yes, maybe this generation doesn't see it, but my kids and future generations will. For example: global warming, which consists of the increase in temperature of the Earth's atmosphere caused by the increased levels of carbon dioxide and o

Blog 2 by Millie Alvarez

Blog Post #2 By Millie Alvarez      The theme project presentations left a remarkable amount of information and analyzing to do, so in this blog post we will be reflecting and breaking down everything we learned. There were three main topics: climate change, gender inequality, and infrastructure. Each group presented their topics with great knowledge and plenty of pictures, videos, and graphs to support and enhance the knowledge and information they shared.          Climate change is the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts have been slowly but surely going on for the past hundreds and thousands of years, causing many imbalances on our planet. Climate change is a very real and serious situation, as it poses many life-threatening consequences to every living being on Earth. We have all been warned for many years of the ugly truths of climate change, but it seems that the more we are warned the more we disregard it. As the generations get older the less
 Blog #2 Katherine Carbonell After doing the theme project there are many things to say about all of the presentations and all I have learned in these days. First let's start with he first group which the presentation was about infrastructure. Infrastructure refers to the basic physical systems of a business, region, or nation. Examples of infrastructure include transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water, and electric systems. Projects related to infrastructure improvements may be funded publicly, privately, or through public-private partnerships. Infrastructure encompasses a wide range of systems and structures for both large and small-scale organizational frameworks as long as physical components are required. The electrical grid of a city, state, or country, for example, is infrastructure because of the technology used and the intention to provide a service to the places it serves. The physical wiring and components that make up a firm's data network in a

Blog 2

      As society has evolved throughout the centuries, countless advances in environmental, infrastructure, and social aspects have helped to improve the quality of life of millions of people around the world. While the standard of living has been enhanced for many, challenges still exist that threaten basic human rights and the future of our planet.      From an environmental standpoint, progress has come with a heavy price to bear. While industrialization has made daily life much easier, it has also adversely impacted our planet by poisoning our waterways, land and air. For example, fuel combination and the release of harmful gases into our atmosphere has polluted the air we breathe. Air pollution, as such, causes lung and bronchial diseases, and is also responsible for incidences of lung cancer and asthma.      Pollution has also brought about other dire consequences, including global warming that has caused climate change. Burning fossil fuels send greenhouse gases into the earth&#

Blog 2 By Leanett Gonzalez

As the theme project presentations come to an end. We should reflect on the important topics that were introduced and discussed. Group 3 began and opened the discussions. Group 3 discussed and delved into climate change. As with all important topics a certain level of discomfort and unknown creeps in. However, change is necessary, and change is uncomfortable. Climate change feels like a fight past generation gave up on. They figured we have enough time, let the future generations figure it out. However, with the plaguing state of our planet and time not being on our side, something must be done. What is climate change? Climate change refers to the long-term temperature and weather changes. Group three discussed how climate change has many contributing factors. Factors such as agricultural practices, burning fossil fuels, pollution, greenhouse gases emission, deforestation, and many more. Group 3 then broke down how those factors affect the Earth and its climate. A quarter of the U.S. m
 Jose Manuel Gonzalez Blog Post #2  Climate Change Overwhelming evidence shows that climate is changing worldwide. Extreme events highlight the world is experiencing today are due to changes in weather and temperature patterns. Although modifications can occur in nature, burning fossil fuels is unnaturally fueling warming. The burning of coal, gas, and oil generates greenhouse gases that act as a blanket that traps the sun’s heat and raises temperatures. Carbon dioxide and methane gases are the primary emissions that cause climate change. The continued emission of these gases means that the world will continue to experience global warming until all the necessary participants take action to reduce it. Climate change has many consequences in the world. They include intense droughts, rising sea levels, water scarcity, declining biodiversity, severe fires, catastrophic storms, melting polar ice, and flooding. Climate change also affects human health, safety and work, housing, and the a

Melissa Betancourt Blog 2

                                                                  Climate change   Climate change is one of the most discussed topics. We worry that our home will one day get destroyed by this ongoing problem, and there are many causes to this.   Air Pollution     Air pollution is caused by the release of gases and particles into the atmosphere because of various human activities such as inefficient fuel combustion, agriculture, and farming. There are also natural sources that contribute to air pollution, including soil dust particles and salt in marine aerosols.   Most air pollution comes from human activities. When we burn fossil fuels to produce energy, they produce greenhouse gases into the air.   Agriculture   Agriculture is the main source of methane – hydrocarbon, which is one of the components in the formation of ground-level ozone – smog. Methane is not only one of the drivers of climate change, but also a dangerous air pollutant that causes asthma and other respiratory dis